Ultrapeel Microdermabrasion



Microdermabrasion is a procedure that smooths, brightens, and evens out the color of a person’s skin. Microdermabrasion is frequently requested to address dullness in the complexion, imbalanced skin tone, uneven skin texture, dark spots that can emerge when acne clears up, and melasma, a common skin condition that causes dark spots or patches.



Microdermabrasion is a one-hour procedure performed in the office. Microdermabrasion does not require the use of anesthetic or a numbing medication. For the duration of your visit, you will be seated in a reclining recliner. For the length of your session, you will be seated in a reclining chair. In the targeted locations, we’ll use a portable equipment to gently spray on the particles or sand away the outer layer of skin. At the conclusion of the treatment, your skin will be moisturized and protected with sunscreen.

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A short faint redness of the skin may develop towards the end of the treatment, depending on the intensity of therapy you choose, especially for sensitive skin types.

Ultrapeel microdermabrasion treatments are very comfortable. Those with sensitive skin may experience a mild scratching sensation at the beginning of the treatment.